human circulatory sistem
jadi ceritanya tuh gini.
waktu jam kosong di kelasku, ada salah satu temenku yang bernama ariep, tanya gini: yas, kamu punya blog?
aku jawab: punya, kamu juga ?
ariep: iyaa, tp ga pernah tak buka. makenya aja ga tau gmna caranya.
aku: weleh? geg pye tah?
ariep: hla trus blogmu isinya apa?
aku: hehe (nyengir). cuma crita crita ga penting ttg aku gt og.
ariep (sekedar info aja, dia ketua osis di sekolahku): mending tuh isinya file file yg bisa dipake orang lain, yas.
trus aku mikir.. bener juga yaa? daripada isinya cuma diary ku yg ga penting gtu.
abis itu aku nanya: hla trus kita dapetnya file file itu darimana riep?
ariep: cari di google nuwh ?
aku: eh? sama ajaa dong? brarti plagiat tempat orang ?
ariep: iyaa yaa ?
glodak !! -__-"
trus, abis obrolan itu aku mikir mau posting sesuatu yang berguna buat kalian.
sebenere niatnya uda lama banget, tp baru keurus sekarang. hehe.
nih, aku kasih resume yang dulu pernah aku kerjain karna dapet tugas dari guruku. hehe. kalai ga dapet tugas, juga ga bakal ngerjain :p males banget bikin resume :D
the structure and functions of blood circulatory system
The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels. In a minute a drop of blood goes through your body, moves from your heart to all parts of your body, and goes back to your heart.
Human blood system forms a network of closed system which is called a closed circulatory system. This means that there is always blood in the blood vessels. The blood system transport substances such as food and oxygen through the blood to living cells. In multicellular organism such a transportation system is needed. The heart functions as a pump to help move and circulate the blood through blood vessels.