human circulatory sistem

jadi ceritanya tuh gini.
waktu jam kosong di kelasku, ada salah satu temenku yang bernama ariep, tanya gini: yas, kamu punya blog?
aku jawab: punya, kamu juga ?
ariep: iyaa, tp ga pernah tak buka. makenya aja ga tau gmna caranya.
aku: weleh? geg pye tah?
ariep: hla trus blogmu isinya apa?
aku: hehe (nyengir). cuma crita crita ga penting ttg aku gt og.
ariep (sekedar info aja, dia ketua osis di sekolahku): mending tuh isinya file file yg bisa dipake orang lain, yas.
trus aku mikir.. bener juga yaa? daripada isinya cuma diary ku yg ga penting gtu.
abis itu aku nanya: hla trus kita dapetnya file file itu darimana riep?
ariep: cari di google nuwh ?
aku: eh? sama ajaa dong? brarti plagiat tempat orang ?
ariep: iyaa yaa ?
glodak !! -__-"

trus, abis obrolan itu aku mikir mau posting sesuatu yang berguna buat kalian.
sebenere niatnya uda lama banget, tp baru keurus sekarang. hehe.
nih, aku kasih resume yang dulu pernah aku kerjain karna dapet tugas dari guruku. hehe. kalai ga dapet tugas, juga ga bakal ngerjain :p males banget bikin resume :D

the structure and functions of blood circulatory system


The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels. In a minute a drop of blood goes through your body, moves from your heart to all parts of your body, and goes back to your heart.

Human blood system forms a network of closed system which is called a closed circulatory system. This means that there is always blood in the blood vessels. The blood system transport substances such as food and oxygen through the blood to living cells. In multicellular organism such a transportation system is needed. The heart functions as a pump to help move and circulate the blood through blood vessels.


Blood is a tissue that is made up of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Less than 55% of the blood and is plasma. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood and is mostly made up of water.

Red blood cells (erythrocyte)

Mature red blood cells don’t have any nucleus. On the average their life span is three to five months. The red blood cells are removed from the blood stream in the liver and spleen. Red blood cells have a disc-shape, thick around the edge and thin in the middle.

Red blood cells are produced in the red bone marrow. They contain hemoglobin, the iron pigment that transport oxygen to the tissues. Oxygen becomes chemically bonded to hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin. This reaction takes place in the lungs. Oxygen is separated from the hemoglobin in the capillaries. Oxygen is then difussed into the cells. Hemoglobin can form a stronger chemical bond with carbon monoxide (CO) than with oxygen. This can kill you. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless gas. It is rarely present in clear air. If someone inhales this gas, it will enter his/ her blood. The CO then forms a bond with hemoglobin. This condition prevents oxygen from combining with the hemoglobin. Thus the amount of oxygen carried to the tissues decreases. Soon the person loses consciousness. Unless he is quickly moved to get fresh air, he will die.

White blood cells

White blood cells are produced in the lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow. An increase of white blood cells is one way the human body reacts to infection. The white cells are used by the body to destroy invading microorganism, bacteria, virus, and other substances that come into the body. There are several types of white blood cells : basophile, eosinophile, lymphocyte, and neutrophile. Lymphocyte can produces antibody that destroy disease microorganism and neutralize their poison.

Platelets (thrombocyt)

Blood clots are produced by both chemical and physical changes in the blood. The clotting of blood involves structures called platelets, the blood protein called fibrinogen, and the mineral calcium.

As blood leaves from the blood vessels, the platelets disintegrate. They release a substance that changes fibrinogen to form fibrin. Fibrin consists of insoluble microscopic threads. These threads form a net that trap blood cells among its fibers. This forms a clot, which prevents further bleeding. Both vitamin K and calcium must be present from blood to clot. Lack of vitamin K or calcium reduces the rate at which blood clots. Blood clots can occur inside the body as well as on the skin. One kind of heart attack is caused by a blood clot in a coronary artery.

Blood transport substance to and from tissues. It transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, food substance from the digestive tracts to the tissues, carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs, wastes and excess water from the tissues to the kidneys, antibody to the tissues, and hormones to the tissues.

the blood circulatory organs

Cardiovascular system

Blood from the right ventricle is pumped to the lungs. Blood from the lungs enters the left atrium. This pathway is called the pulmonary circulation. Blood is carried away from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Blood is pumped out from the left ventricle into the aorta (the largest artery), and then into smaller arteries. These smaller arteries lead to the all parts of the body.

A system of arteries, capillaries, and veins through the heart tissue is called coronary circulation. The coronary system carries blood from the aorta through coronary arteries, which lead to the capillaries and enters the heart tissue. The exchange of materials between blood and heart cells occurs in the capillaries. Coronary capillaries join to form coronary veins. Coronary veins carry blood into the right atrium. Coronary circulation is short but vital.


The heart is muscular organ. The heart is located in the center of the chest, between the lungs. A human heart contains four chambers: left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, and right ventricle. There a valve separates an atrium, and a ventricle. The function of the valve is to prevent the blood in the ventricle from moving backward to atrium.

The pumping of heart causes the blood circulates. Blood enters the atrium from veins. Next, the muscular wall of the right atrium contracts. The contraction forces the blood into the right ventricle. The contraction of the right ventricle forces the blood from the heart into the pulmonary artery. Blood travels through the pulmonary artery into the lungs. The oxygen-rich blood then leaves the lungs. The blood then travels through the pulmonary vein back to the left atrium of the heart.

Blood vessels


Arteries carry blood away from the heart that rich of oxygen. Blood in arteries is under much greater pressure then that in the veins. Therefore, blood moves more rapidly through the arteries.

Blood is forced into the arteries each time the ventricles contract. The stretching of the artery wall under pressure is called pulse. Each beat of the heart causes in pulse in the artery.


Veins have cup-like valves that prevent the backflow of the blood. These valves keep the blood flowing toward the heart. Veins carry dark red blood that is low in oxygen. They contain blood rich with carbon dioxide. However, the veins that are visible in the skin don’t appear dark red, but blue.

When the human heart contracts, the blood pressure in an artery ranges from 110-150 mm Hg. The pressure is about 80 mm Hg, when the heart relaxes.


Capillaries are the smallest and tiniest blood vessels that connect arteries to veins. They are visible only when observed under a microscope. Red blood cells pass through the smallest capillaries in a single file. Diffusion of nutrient and oxygen from the blood to the tissues occurs in the capillaries. White blood cells can also leave the capillaries. They enter the tissues by squeezing in between the cells of capillary walls. Waste materials such as carbon dioxide move in the opposite directions. Waste from the tissue enters the capillaries. From here, wastes are expelled. This process is called excretion.

Blood flow and blood pressure

The pumping of the blood by the heart causes blood pressure that is needed to push blood to the blood vessels. Lack or the loss of blood because of an accident or disease causes loss of the pressure. The blood can’t move normally in the circulatory system. The movement is slow. It can’t supply the materials needed by the body as fast as before cells will die. Plasma also carries other important chemical substance called hormone. This hormone regulates various functions of body, like growth and how the body uses nutrient.

When the heart pumps blood through cardiovascular system, the blood also has its pressure that is called blood pressure on the wall of the blood vessels.

Blood is pushed into the blood pressure, and this is called blood pressure. This pressure may make blood flow in blood vessels. The measurement of blood vessels is expressed by 2 numbers, usually from 120 to 80. The first number showing the pressure while the ventricle is contracting, and blood is pushed out of the heart, is called systole. The second number is the result of pressure measurement while the ventricle is relaxing and filling blood, just before the contraction contract, is called diastole.

Blood circulation goes through three main pathways: pulmonary circulation, coronary circulation, and systemic circulation.

Kinds of blood flows

Pulmonary circulation

Pulmonary circulation occurs when the blood flows from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart.

Systemic circulation

Systemic circulation involves blood vessels that go to and from the heart and the capillaries in the tissue of all parts of the body which supply most of the body tissue with nutrient and oxygen. It is separated from the coronary circulation and pulmonary circulation. Renal circulation is a part of systemic circulation, involving vessels to and from the kidneys. Portal circulation, which transports blood away from the digestive tract and its related organs.

Coronary circulation

Coronary circulation is blood circulation through the tissue of the heart. A system of arteries, capillaries, and veins through the heart tissue is called the coronary circulation.

Natural protection and disease

Red blood cells and other organ systems in your body, work together to fight the incoming bacteria. All these are called body immunity toward diseases. If bacteria that cause disease attack your body cells, your body immunity will react. The blood will carry white blood cells to the bacteria, and attack the bacteria.

Lymphatic system

Some type of liquid which contains leucocytes, lacks red blood cells, and some proteins of blood plasma is lymph. Lymph is the colorless liquid as in as blister. Lymph moves through the space between tissues and cells. It is collected in joined tiny tubes to form large tubes. Lymph tubes form a network called the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system returns the lymph to the blood through a large lymph tube called the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct carries lymph into a large vein in the left shoulder. Lymph transports oxygen and nutrient from blood to the cells and wastes from the cells to blood.

Lymph nodes

Tubes in the lymphatic system pass through clumps of tissues called lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are concentrated in the neck, armpit, elbow, and groin. Both the tonsils and adenoids are lymph nodes. Lymph nodes produce white blood cells.

Special protection

The white cells are used by the body to surround and destroy invading microorganism, bacteria, virus, and other substances that come into the body.


Another way to activate immunity towards certain diseases is by taking antigen into your body in the form of dead or weak microbes. This will activate body to produce antibody. This can be done by taking a foreign antigen into your body through your mouth or injection. This is called vaccinations.

okay.. cukup sekian yang dapat yasint sampaikan. emang sih, dari dulu tu aku kalo bikin resume ga pernah bener. hehe. maaf yaa :D

makasih yang udah mau baca.. maaf banget ga ada gambarnya. lama sih :( *sebel deh* kalo mau cari gambar cari ajaa di google *saran doang* hehe. yaudah, makasih makasih :D semoga bermanfaat :)

NB : nih sebenere mau tak posting dari duluuu banget.. tapi belum sempet.. males ngasih gambarnya sih :( alhasil baru bisa sekarang. hehe gamsa~ :)

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